Discover the Birds Around You
Start with the birds in your own yard
Want help to make your yard a haven for birds and other wildlife? Consider scheduling an on-site consultation with PGAS habitat advisors.
Birdhouse gourd serving its stated purpose.
Birders at Lake Artemesia
Join us for a bird walk
PGAS leads bird walks monthly at Fran Uhler Natural Area and Governor Bridge Natural Area, and twice a month at Lake Artemesia. Beginning birders are welcome!
The Patuxent Bird Club provides Bird Checklists to help you keep track of what you see.
Learn more about birds
The Patuxent Bird Club is one of fifteen chapters of the Maryland Ornithological Society.
Attend a webinar—
PGAS and Patuxent Bird Club conduct a webinar on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September - June. Guest speakers cover a variety of topics including travel, birds, avian studies and history, and conservation projects.
Video on how to make your windows bird-safe.
Be informed about the dangers of urban life for birds, and find out what you can do—
Advice from the National Audubon Society and the American Bird Conservancy on how to protect birds from our lights, our cats, and our windows.
Study migration—
The Bird Migration Explorer is your guide to the heroic annual journeys made by over 450 bird species, and the challenges they face along the way.
Learn more about a species, the migratory birds at a specific location, or a conservation challenge birds face.
Screen capture National Audubon’s Bird Migration Explorer
Take part in an annual bird count—-
Learn more about the history and value of bird counts here:
Learn about nest boxes—
There may be birds that would love to call your yard home, but they have a specific nesting requirement which needs to be met. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology NestWatch site will tell you everything you need to know:
Consider participating in NestWatch when your nest boxes are ready.